Transform your EHR with the Health Engagement Platform

Posted by C3LX on Aug 27, 2020 10:56:14 AM

Patients hardly ever have just one clear, manageable issue. Even more importantly, people are multi-faceted, complex, and cannot be broken down to the presence or absence of a chronic condition. The Health Engagement Platform allows care teams to work with their patients to create a master plan that addresses all facets of their health journey; from treating a patient's asthma, arthritis, depression and weight reduction, while also understanding the intrinsic motivations and potential barriers affecting the necessary behavioral changes.

With the Health Engagement platform, physicians and care teams can see the patient's needs, wants, conditions, and habits all in one place, be able to set health goals and remotely monitor and track progress. Power your practice today! 



Topics: healthcare technology, transforming healthcare, patient engagement

How can XIAhealth® transform remote medicine for your value-based practice?

  • Increase adherence to care plans
  • Receive more actionable patient data
  • Achieve better outcomes for at-risk populations
  • Raise retention rates
  • Prove the effectiveness of care
  • Generate cost savings 
  • Boost the bottom line
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