Making the most of Digital and Telehealth Offerings

Posted by C3LX on Apr 2, 2020 1:47:15 PM

The gaps in our healthcare system continue to be laid bare during this COVID-19 crisis. Health Leaders Media focuses on two very important gaps in the current telehealth offerings.

  1. We tend to think of utilizing telehealth to treat patients that have the virus or who may have the virus. For higher risk patients with chronic conditions, this is not enough.  They need continued care for their underlying conditions and a way for their providers, extremely busy with COVID-19 patients, to quickly see how their higher risk patients are doing with established care plans and goals. 
  2. As telehealth services rapidly ramp up, providers are being overwhelmed with the sheer volume of virtual visits. These tools must include algorithms and analyses that take patient generated health data and help providers quickly identify patients needing immediate intervention, those who need a physician’s attention, and what more specific action is needed. 

We agree and would add that patient engagement solutions should not only be the focus during crisis, but an essential component of daily healthcare practice.

Please take a look and share with us your thoughts!

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