Let’s Not Forget the Importance of Relationships Between Patients and Providers

Posted by C3LX on Mar 31, 2020 3:30:30 PM

We are continuing our conversation concerning the rapidly evolving role of digital health & primary care capacity during this period of enormous changes unfolding as a result of COVID-19. Today, we are sharing an older and particularly relevant article highlighting an important factor often lost during a crisis like this current pandemic. The oft overlooked factor is the actual relationship between the patient and the providers, how important the relationship is for improving health, especially during times like these where healthcare delivery and access is even more fragmented and transactional given the incredible surges in volume. 

As we highlighted in our previous post, it is powerful and exciting to see the increased utilization of digital and telehealth services.  However, the most profound results are being achieved by primary care groups, who before and through Covid-19 focused on furthering robust patient relationships and continuity of care.  The outcome metrics follow.  We at C3LX firmly believe that fostering this deep connection, trusting relationship, & knowledge between patient and care team is and will be transformational in how our healthcare system must evolve.  Follow our blog and let us know your thoughts on how technology can support this paradigm.


Topics: direct primary care, COVID

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