How Tech Companies Can Help Fix US Health Care

Posted by C3LX on May 19, 2020 1:58:16 PM

One of the core values that we strive to live by at C3LX is “Inspired Solutions”.  For us, this means applied innovation, collaborative process, insatiable curiosity, and products designed to make a difference.  Often, as this Harvard Business Review article poignantly points out, technologists tend to see themselves as the solution rather than contributors to the solution.  With founders that come from a healthcare background, we understand that our role is to partner with and empower the innovative health system delivery models like Direct Primary Care, not disrupt them.  “Technology alone won’t save us from Covid-19 or create the pandemic-resilient health system we need.”

Another important aspect highlighted in this article and exposed during the Covid-19 crisis is the reactionary nature of the telehealth solutions that were quickly brought to the table.  While many of these technology solutions were helpful to provide some means for providers to deploy virtual care, symptom tracking and other mechanisms to connect with patients in the most basic ways, they also demonstrated significant gaps.  Were these solutions facilitating more than just transactions with patients?  Were they making providers’ lives easier?  Most importantly, were these solutions enabling “real-time, continuous care”?  This article defines the attributes of that type of a solution as one that can “digest, streamline, and present data, which will unburden both patients and providers because information won’t just come to light when someone is experiencing an emergency”.  We couldn’t agree more and have purposely built the C3LX Patient Engagement platform in partnership with providers to do just this.

How Tech Companies Can Help Fix US Health Care

Topics: health tech

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